Wagsoft Linguistic Software

UAM CorpusTool: software for the annotation of text, allowing markup on multiple layers, of multiple files.

Platform: Linux, Mac, Windows.
For More Information: Press here.

RSTTool: a graphical interface to facilitate the marking up of the RST structure of text. (RST: RhetoricalStructure Theory).

Platform: Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows.
For More Information: Press here.

Coder: A tool that facilitates the linguistic coding of corpus material, through the efficient prompting of the user for relevant categories. Linguistic features are organised in terms of an inheritance network to reduce the amount of coding effort. These codings can then be exported in a form readable by statistical packages, or the in-built corpus exploration tools, and statistical report tools can be used. Available for immediate download.

Platform: Windows, Unix/Linux, Macintosh.
For More Information and Downloading: Press here.

System Network Editor: A Graphical Editor for System Networks. You can cut/paste networks into MS Word, or save as PDF.

Availability: Windows. Macintosh or Linux upon request.
For More Information : Press here.

WAG: Workbench for Analysis and Generation: a system for creating, maintaining and processing Systemic Grammars. Includes knowledge representation engine; sentence generator from semantic specification; graphing of systemic networks and structures. WAG forms the core of the ILEX system, both for KR and sentence generation.

Availability: Awaiting update...
For More Information : Press here.