1. Introduction

This manual describes the RST Tool, a graphical interface for marking up the structure of text. While primarily intended to be used for Rhetorical Structure (cf. Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST): Mann & Thompson 1988), the tool also allows the mark-up of constituency-style analysis, as in the Generic Structure Potential (GSP - cf. Hasan 1984; Halliday & Hasan 1985).

The tool works under Windows, Macintosh, UNIX and  LINUX operating systems, and requires the pre-installation of Tcl/Tk, a scripting language engine. Installation of Tcl/Tk is straightforward, and is described below.

The Tool consists of four interfaces:

The next section will outline how to get started with the RSTTool, installation and launching. Later sections will outline how to segment and structure a text.